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About Dr. Bera
As a doctor, Ami Bera took an oath to put his patients first. As a teacher, Bera made a commitment to put his students first. As your representative, Dr. Bera’s pledge has been, and will always be to put the people first.
Washington and Congress should be a place of service to the people, not dysfunctional games or Twitter fights, and he works hard every day to keep that promise.
Dr. Bera was first elected to represent Sacramento County in November 2012.  As a first generation American, he attended California’s public schools from kindergarten through to medical school. Dr. Bera served this community for 21 years as a doctor, as Sacramento County’s Chief Medical Officer, and then as a Clinical Professor of Medicine at UC Davis, where he taught the next generation of doctors to care for their patients.

As someone who treated veterans in VA hospitals, Dr. Bera knows that mistreatment of veterans in need of medical care is a tragedy not to mention immoral and un-American. His office has helped hundreds of veterans through the backlog to get the treatment they’ve earned, and he’s reached across party lines to get more medical staff into the VA so that no veteran has to wait for the care they need.
Dr. Bera believes that Medicare and Social Security are guaranteed promises and key to a dignified retirement. He has fought efforts to privatize Social Security and is working to reduce waste, abuse, and fraud in Medicare to protect it for the future. He was proud to receive the endorsement of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, because he understands that we must leave decisions about a woman’s health to her and her doctor.

Dr. Bera is working with lawmakers from both parties on commonsense policies to move America forward, including slashing red tape for small businesses and cutting taxes for middle-class families.
Since being elected to office, he has:
- Voted to pass the America COMPETES Act in the House chamber, a bill that will bolster the R&D and manufacturing of the U.S. semiconductor industry and will increase the budgets of the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy Office of Science, and National Institute of Standards and Technology in order to expand existing research programs.
- Ensured passage of the American Rescue Plan, bringing Sacramento county millions in funding that will create jobs, support small businesses, and advance public health measures to keep our community safe.
- Voted to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, which helps provide funding for Sacramento to fix aging infrastructure, cuts taxes for middle-income families, and creates well paying jobs across our region.
- Championed efforts to strengthen investment in global health innovation and fought proposed cuts to vital funds that help fight future pandemics, and as a result, was given the 2021 Congressional Champion Award. Â
- Introduced the Healthcare Innovation Act, which gives states the tools to experiment with new ways to get more Americans enrolled in health insurance thus lowering costs for all as more are enrolled.
- Continued to lead bi-partisan efforts to achieve universal coverage and ensure everyone has access to quality, affordable healthcare.
- Co-Sponsored bipartisan legislation to reduce wait times for veterans in need of medical care by increasing the number of doctors in VA Hospitals and recovered $2.2 million in veterans’ benefits.
- Returned more than $13.7 million to Sacramento County taxpayers in benefits they’ve earned and helped more than 23,600 constituents.
- Invested in bi-partisan efforts in bringing 21st century jobs and training to Sacramento as well as tax relief for the small businesses in the region.
- Stood up to efforts to privatize Medicare and Social Security, because he knows that after a lifetime of work and service to our community we owe it to hardworking men and women to fulfill that promise.
- Supported bi-partisan budgets and has worked to strategically balance the budget as well as implement commonsense tax reform that benefits our middle-class families.

Dr. Bera has seen firsthand how education can improve lives, and how too many cannot afford the education or job training they need to compete in our changing economy. He continues to put politics aside to rebuild an economy that values hard work and prioritizes the middle class. Dr. Bera would be honored to earn your vote.
Ami and his wife Janine live in Elk Grove with their daughter, Sydra. For more updates on Dr. Bera follow @BeraforCongress on Twitter, like Bera for Congress on Facebook, and sign up for updates on our homepage.